

无限的茎 Spotlights Women Nobel Prize Winners

Perseverance 和 a passion for scientific discovery were characteristics of all the Nobel Prize-winning women scientists who were the subjects of presentations by students of 无限的茎 — a Poly group designed to encourage female-identifying students to go into science, 技术, 工程, 和数学(阀杆)领域.

11月13日, teams of students presented brief biographies 和 reports about the work 和 accomplishments of Dr. 问麦克林托克芭芭拉, Dr. 安德里亚Ghez, 阿达·约纳特, 艾琳死者, 屠呦呦, Dr. Katalin Kariko, 可能Britt-Moser 给图书馆里的观众. 

Before the presentations, Chair of Computer 和 Information 科学 Department Jean Belford, 24岁,30岁  高中化学老师问 盖尔·霍洛维茨 介绍一位特别的客人.

Raoul Bhavnani P ' 27
Raoul Bhavnani P ' 27

Raoul Bhavnani P ' 27, 博士的侄孙. McClintock, shared with the audience that she had ties to Brooklyn 和 that two of her nephews, 霍华德一个. 麦金利的42  和 彼得·米. 麦金利的44 都是保利毕业生.

“She was the only girl in her science 和 PhD classes 和 did not have time for a family,他说. Dr. McClintock, 遗传学家, 在相对默默无闻的情况下工作了几十年,他说, “everyone said she was wrong” about her research into maize cytogenetics. When she was recognized for her work with a Nobel Prize in 1983, she had no spouse or children to bring to the ceremony, 所以她“带了一个12岁的男孩,巴夫纳尼说, “那个男孩就是我!他分享了婚礼的照片.

遗传学 ——芭芭拉·麦克林托克
 问麦克林托克芭芭拉 (1902-1992) shown in her laboratory in 1947. 图片来自wikiccommons Acc. 90-105 – 科学 Service, Records, 1920s-1970s, 史密森学会档案

莉娜·沙莫斯25岁萨马拉·查尔斯,28岁 介绍博士. McClintock explaining that she discovered that “genes can jump within the chromosome.在她发现这一发现的时候. 麦克林托克没有受到重视. But “30 years later men found the same thing,” they said, finally Dr. McClintock’s work was recognized 和 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine “for her discovery of mobile genetic elements.”

莉莉·贝尔福德,24岁Selena Wu, 25岁 也报道了Dr。. McClintock 和 her study of maize cytogenetics 和 the “Theory of Genetic Transposition.“细胞遗传学是对染色体的研究.

化学 ——艾达·约纳特

玛德琳·格罗斯,26岁安娜卡西亚·克拉克,25岁 报道了 阿达·约纳特, 以色列化学家, her pioneering study of the “structure 和 function of ribosomes 和 how they make proteins.” Yonath was awarded the Nobel Prize in 化学 in 2009.

物理- - - - - - 艾琳·约里奥·居里,玛丽·居里,安德里亚·盖兹

布里安娜·西尔万,27岁Neeka Aghazadeh, 27岁 由化学家和物理学家介绍 艾琳死者, 谁和她丈夫在一起, won the Nobel Prize in 化学 in 1935 for their study of new radioactive elements.  玛丽莎·特里奥拉,24岁尼娜·哈里斯24岁 谈到她的母亲, 居里夫人她是第一位获得诺贝尔奖的女性.

In 1903, 居里夫人 won the Nobel in Physics for her study of radiation. In 1911, she won a second Nobel Prize, this time in 化学. 和她丈夫一起, 皮埃尔, 居里夫人 was the discoverer of the elements radium 和 polonium. 特里奥拉谈到玛丽·居里, “We found her to be an incredibly influential person researching radiation. Her work has applications in physics, chemistry, even medicine. Though Curie often struggled to get credit for her work due to her gender, Curie was the first person to win two Nobel prizes 和 the only person to win a Nobel prize in two different fields.”


艾娃·斯凯·罗萨里奥,24岁 报告博士. 安德里亚Ghez, the discoverer of the Sagittarius A Black Hole, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2020. They described it as: “Making something that was invisible — visible.”

加比·弗林·比恩,25岁埃莉诺·肯普夫,28岁 也介绍了博士. Ghez, who they said received the prize “for the discovery of the supermassive compact object in the center of the Milky Way.”

Maisie Schneider, 28岁 注意到博士. Ghez used “the world’s largest telescopes” in developing new ways to see.

Physiology or Medicine – 屠呦呦, Katalin Kariko, 可能Britt-Moser

玛丽·林24岁佐伊·坎贝尔25岁 介绍这位中国科学家 屠呦呦, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 for her discovery of a treatment for malaria. Through her work, she was able to extract from sweet wormwood the anti-malaria drug artemisinin.

Lalitha Jayaram, 28岁苏瑞孙26 报告博士. Katalin Kariko who won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research “that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.”

Jasmine Grant-Phillips, 24岁Izzy Leyton, 25岁 profiled the Norwegian psychologist 和 neuroscientist 可能Britt-Moser, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2014 for her “discoveries about the cognitive function of the brain at a cellular level” in her research to better underst和 the brain at a cellular level.

对诺贝尔奖得主的思考 & 无限的茎

演讲结束后, michael Hershkovitz P16, ' 18, Assistant Head of School, 学者, told the students how proud she was of the cohort. She asked them what qualities the Nobel winners had in common 和 heard that the scientists, 他们的家庭背景通常都很普通, 有忍耐力和鼓舞人心的精神. Hershkovitz told the students, “I find you inspiring.”


“Our teachers have worked incredibly hard to provide us with both exposure 和 enthusiasm for different 阀杆 careers.”


What has being part of 无限的茎 meant to the students? Triola说, “I’ve repeatedly noticed the lack of women 和 girls in 阀杆-related activities 和 classes. The lack of women in 阀杆 seems to further perpetuate the problem, discouraging women of all ages from participating or even developing interest in 阀杆. I think it’s really important that programs like inFInite 阀杆 exist to combat this issue. I’ve really enjoyed the activities that we’ve done during my time in inFInite 阀杆 over the past couple years. Our teachers have worked incredibly hard to provide us with both exposure 和 enthusiasm for different 阀杆 careers. We’ve gotten to speak to women leaders in 阀杆, 包括安妮·莫斯科娜, 在哥伦比亚大学领导病毒学实验室的人.”

“The field of 阀杆 that interests me most is computer science,” Triola added. “Since I completed the senior level computer science classes last year, 我目前正在自学. I intend to pursue computer science in college next year.”
